This "relief" tracking stuff was added to our process recently, and we're

still working though some details and kinks in the procedures so that we 
tell when entering the text on the internal tool panels how it will
eventually appear externally in RETAIN.  I know I had one where there was
problem or fix for z/VM 5.1.0, but the tool still made me enter something

for "RELIEF", which seems silly.  Sorry for the inconvenience and confusi
 I'm not familiar with those specific examples, but I wouldn't read too m
into these initial inconsistancies with the relief tracking, I'm sure it'
get smoothed out shortly.  If there are any other examples that need
clarification or rewording, though, please bring them up and we'll do our

best to get them fixed up.  

- Bill Holder
  z/VM Development & Service

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