Hello Ed, there is a problem using RXSQL to run against DB2 for z/OS V8:
  "Getting SQLCODE -301 when inserting undefined variable (never    
assigned a value or RXSQL DROPped) to DB2 for z/OS V8. When a    
variable was undefined, it was considered to have a NULL value.  
The application works fine with DB2 for z/OS V7 but failed with  
SQLCODE -301 with DB2 for z/OS V8."                               

The reason being:
  Prior to DB2 for z/OS V8 when an indicator variable is set to a negative 
  number that indicates that you are specifying NULL value. 
  The value of the actual variable did not matter when indicator 
  variable is negative. 
  DB2 for Z/OS V8 has added an extra restriction: the value of the actual 
  variable must have a valid value. 
  I understood UDB LUW has adopted the same changes in V8. So, you have to 
watch out for that.
  A temporary RXSQL FIX has been provided to circumvent the customer's 
situation.  Contact DB2/VSE&VM support if you encounter similiar problem.
  Other than that, all RXSQL application running against DB2 for z/OS are fine.
  I hope this helps.

  Ed Zell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  We are looking at a Z series box and the possibility
of getting off DB/2 for VM and moving it to DB/2 UDB
which would run under Linux on an IFL.

Is anyone doing this and using RXSQL on VM to access
the DB/2 UDB database?

We have a couple of custom applications that depend on
RXSQL and need to make sure that this environment would
be viable and supported. Thanks.

Ed Zell
Illinois Mutual Life
(309) 674-8255 x-107

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With best regards,

...Roland Chung
Senior Technical Specialist (S/390,VM/VSE,DB2/VSE&VM)
MAXC Consultants Inc.
Voice/Fax: 416-901-9442 (If busy, call: 416-469-2268)
197 Hastings Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. M4L 2L6

** Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to 
God. I think this is something we should all live by. 
                                          - An Old Farmer's Advice **

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