Rick--In a previous life in a galaxy far, far away... we used an RSCS exit to change the cover sheet for printed output going from VM via SNANJE to a JES 2 system. I don't remember the details, but I think that we wanted to get rid of the RSCSnnnn as the job name. We may have had to put some exit specific tag information with the file. If someone doesn't have a better, more immediate solution, I'll see if I can find someone who still knows about the exit.


Rick Barlow wrote:
I have RSCS running on z/VM with an SNANJE connection to JES3.  My second
level VM system does not have a direct NJE link but can also send output to
JES3 using store-and-forward through the first level system.  Here is a
crude drawing:

VM1  -- SNANJE --  JES3

If I send output from VM1 to JES3, the output shows up in the JES spool
with a job name that matches the VM user-id on VM1.  However, if I send
output the same way from VMT to JES3, the job name will show RSCSnnnn
(where nnnn is the spool id from VMT).

Is there some way to change that behavior so that the files arriving at
JES3 retain the VM user-id of VMT?
I haven't found anything in RSCS and I don't know if this might be
something to specify at JES.

Has anyone set up anything like this?  (This is probably specific to JES3
since JES2 NJE often works differently.)

Rick Barlow
Senior z/VM Systems Programmer
Nationwide Services Co., Web-zLinux Support,
z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  MB-02-201
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213    Fax: (614) 249-3912

Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(607) 255-1760

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