I like it - this pipe 'thingy' has lots of capability and lots for me to 


Lionel B. Dyck, Consultant/Specialist 
Enterprise Platform Services, Mainframe Engineering 
KP-IT Enterprise Engineering, Client and Platform Engineering Services 
925-926-5332 (8-473-5332) | E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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07/27/2007 11:20 AM
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Re: pipe question

Find searches for things at the beginning of a record. Locate searches 
anywhere within a record. Given that you didn?t do a split to put the 
userids on separate lines, I?d think that ?pipe cms q n | locate /ESA/ | 
console? would work better. 

Also, q n is a CP command, not a CMS, so actually, you?d want ?cp q n? as 
the first stage, just to avoid someone creating a ?q? exec and messing you 

To really get down to the meat of it, you?d want to do something like:

?pipe cp q names | split at /,/ | strip leading blank | locate /ESA/ | 

Someone will argue that the strip should be after the locate for 
efficiency sake, and that would be true for a huge list. For Q N, it 
shouldn?t be an issue.

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On 7/27/07 1:11 PM, "Lionel B. Dyck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm learning pipes in cms and am trying to issue a 'q n' command and 
filter it to only display selected names. 

I'm trying this with no success - can someone educate me on what I'm doing 

pipe cms q n | find ESA | console 

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