current versions zVM can run on any z/Architecture capable hardware. There are several linuxes available (SUSE, Redhat and others)You can install any linux for zseries under z/vm and the traditional system software VSE, zOS and TPF.

There are many downloadable books for linux and z/vm, called redbooks on ibm's site . Goto redbook domains, ibm system z and search for "linux" or "z/VM".

One book is e. g. Running Linux on IBM System z9 and zSeries under z/VM <> The link to this book is

kind regards
Franz Josef Pohlen

legolas wood schrieb:
Thank you all for reading my post
Can some one please point me to a book which explains about Z/VM and also tell me what kind of OSs can be installed into Z/VM? A book that explain basics that a new user needs.

For example does any linux like ubuntu can be installed or just specific kind of linux can?


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