Getting to understand VM SHARE settings is a science - and a bit of guess
work - there is no doubt!

In my example, I have a multiprocessing Linux server with 2 vcpus.
Uncapped, it can get 200% total CPU if it ran flat out and there were no
constraints on the whole z.  The whole z LPAR has 11 IFLs on it.

So we need to cap that puppy to not go over 25% total CPU.  The calculation
would be:

  25% / 11 = 2.3%   - thus a SET SHARE puppy REL 200 ABS 2.3% LIMITHARD did
the trick

The absolute SHARE is based on the number of physical processors on the
system.  Granted Kris did give a good point for workload that is
uniprocessor based so that if your workload is biased toward only using 1
vcpu, then you would only get HALF of the full capacity because it
won't/can't use the second vcpu.

This works for us - we use the capping for poor behaving test servers and
the cpu never gets over 25%.

The whole concept takes getting used to.  It is often not the easiest to
grasp that the server's "total" cpu capacity is based on 100% * vcpus.   If
that 2 vcpu system is running uncapped and flat out, the total of the whole
z would be 200 / 1100 which would be 18.18% - but that is of the WHOLE z
box, not of it's own total CPU.  It is really consuming 2 complete IFLs all
by itself or 200% of it's total cpu capacity.

I guess you can look at it from the entire z capacity standpoint that it is
using 18.18% of the whole box.  So we would then have to cap it to only use
2.3% of the total box cpu capacity - which surprisingly is 25.3% total CPU.

Fun stuff, ain't it?  This is why Bill Bitner loves his job! :-)


On 8/6/07, Stracka, James (GTI) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  OK, now you confused me.  By virtue of the fact that it has 2 VCPUs in an
> 11 RCPU environment, would it not automatically be capped at 18.18%because it 
> cannot get more than two CPUs?
> Or, did you mean 2.5% and not 25%?
>  -----Original Message-----
> *From:* The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
> Behalf Of *James Vincent
> *Sent:* Friday, August 03, 2007 9:08 PM
> I certainly did not want to cause confusion - this is why I said " There
> is actually more science..."  I was passing on what we learned through
> trial, error and then a phone call.  And blast it, you are indeed correct
> Kris.
> On a system with 11 IFLs and a 2 vcpu guest that we needed to cap at 25%,
> we had to set its share as SET SHARE RELATIVE 200 ABSOLUTE 2.3%LIMITHARD.  
> This is the only way we could successfully get the server to not
> go over 25% cpu total.
> In our case, the linux guests are all multi-processor apps and none are
> multi-vcpu uniprocessor apps so the behavior was as expected, the apps got
> up to 25% (and not 12.5% if they were uniprocessing)
> The answer is I guess "It Depends" since you will really need to know your
> applications and how they run in order to set the SHARE the way you really
> need it.  I was trying to keep it "simple" - ha!
> Jim
> On 8/3/07, Kris Buelens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Jim, I'd say your append can introduce confusion.
> >
> > The vcpus still count for absolute shares.  But, indeed, the number of
> > real CPUs come into account: the % written on the SET SHAER command is
> > expressed as a % of the whole system.
> > If you have 10 CPU's, a SET SHARE ABS 5% LIMITHARD means that a
> > uniprocessor guest can consume 50% of one CPU.  If the guest has two virtual
> > processors, each one can consume 25% at most.  This is very important if
> > this guest would run one heavy uniprocessing task, this task will have a
> > hard time to get more than 25% of a CPU.  We learned this the hard way when
> > installing a 6 engine 9672 ages ago (our heavy process was a VM DB2 server)
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