(Sorry for the cross-posting, but I thought both lists would like to
read about this....)

Here's an interesting article about how Brazilian companies are using
IBM mainframes in new and, shall we say, unique ways....
"Joe Clabby's Brazilian mainframe adventure travel log",
(and watch out for line wrap on that long URL above....)

It has some interesting additional information about how Hoplon
Infotainment, the Brazilian online gaming outfit, is using an IBM
mainframe and a cluster of Cel based blade servers to provide for a very
rich and full featured gaming environment. And, as was suspected, z/VM
is being used on the mainframe to provide virtual gaming environments on
demand. One thing that I found a bit confusing was the statement
...."The primary advantage that IBM mainframe architecture delivers to
Hoplon is cross-platform common memory management. By pooling memory
across multiple mainframes, the company can better support the large and
transient user populations that move in and out of various worlds and
through various communities...." I wonder how they got z/VM to manage
memory across multiple mainframes...I must have missed that SHARE
presentation last month....:-)

There is one bit of not-so-good news in the article....the writer points
out how few people it takes to get and keep a z/VM system up and
running...in one case 2, and another only 5. Not a real growth field it

Have a good one.


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