I don't see a reason directly.  But, why don't you use ADDRESS COMMAND in
your exec?

2007/10/10, Schuh, Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  I have a very simple exec that has a pipe that, reduced to its simplest
> form, looks like this:
>    /*  TEST EXEC */
>       ipaserver =
>       'IPSERV'
>       say 'IPSERV returned'  getip()
>       exit
>       getip:
>          'CP SET MSG
>       IUCV'
>          arg ipaddr
>       .
>          'PIPE (end \ name
>       GetIPA)',
>          '\  starmsg *msgall cp smsg' ipaserver 'GETIP'
>       ipaddr,
>             '| pick substr w1 of 9-* ==
>       /'ipaserver'/',
>             '| take
>       1',
>             '| spec 17-*
>       1',
>             '| b: beat 15 /-99 Timeout waiting for the IP Address
>       server./',
>             '| fi:
>       faninany',
>             '| take
>       1',
>             '| var
>       ipresp',
>             '|
>       pipestop',
>          '\
>       b:',
>             '|
>       copy',
>             '|
>       fi:'
>          parse var ipresp iprc ipresp
>          if iprc ¬= 0 then call exit iprc, ipresp
>          return ipresp
>       exit:
>          parse arg myrc, msg
>          if msg ¬= '' then say msg
>          exit myrc
>  If this EXEC is executed from the command line, the IP Address is
> returned as expected. It is also returned if called by another simple exec.
> If another exec is inserted into the mix, there is always an error that
> consists of the message from IPSERV being displayed on the console and, some
> seconds later, a timeout message from the above EXEC.
> The two other EXECs do nothing other than call the next in line. Thus,
> TEST1 consists of a 'EXEC TEST' command'; TEST2 consists of a 'EXEC TEST1'
> command. The 3 cases are:
> 1.      TEST command entered from the command line. (works – message
> trapped by the pipe)
> 2.      TEST1 entered from the command line. (works)
> 3.      TEST2 entered from the command line. (message is not trapped and a
> timeout occurs approximately 15 seconds after the message is displayed)
> Is this normal? Or even explainable?
> pipe
> q
> FPLINX086I CMS/TSO Pipelines, 5741-A05/5655-A17 1.0110 (Version.Release/Mod)
> - Generated 11 Oct 2005 at 12:04:21
> q cmslevel
> CMS Level 22, Service Level 701
> Regards,
> Richard Schuh

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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