In another thread, Alan said:

---- Original message ----
>MIH settings are forgotten when you IPL.
>Aside from spool files, the only things remembered across
IPLs are:
>- The clock sequence number used in Diag 0x238
>- Enable/Disable status of local non-SNA 3270s
>- System log messages (via SET LOGMSG)
>- List of CP-owned volumes
>- Status of real unit record devices (started, drained,
forms, ...)
>- Accounting information

I was going to attempt to contest this, 
since my (V4.4) system has *many* MITIME
values which I did not type in. At least 
not recently, and our last IPL was just 
a week ago. (Scheduled, of course :) )

But first I decided to have a peek at what
is going on in our test V5.3 system. It runs
in its own LPAR, and so far it is pretty much 
an IBM out-of-the-box system. I have definitely
NOT done *any* MITIME settings in it, the thought 
never even crossed my mind!

So, take look at this:
MITIME ON   1480-14B5   00:40
MITIME ON   1400-146C   00:40
MITIME ON   12F1-12FF   00:40
MITIME ON   1200-1250   00:40
MITIME ON   1100-11FF   00:40
MITIME ON   0908-0909   12:30
MITIME ON   0900-0901   12:30
MITIME ON   0480-04B5   00:40
MITIME ON   0400-046D   00:40
MITIME ON   0200-0250   00:40
MITIME ON   0100-01FF   00:40
MITIME ON   DASD        00:15
MITIME ON   GRAF        01:10
MITIME ON   TAPE        10:00
MITIME ON   UR          01:00
MITIME ON   SWITCH      05:00
MITIME ON   MISC        12:00

Who/what in VM dreamed up all of those values!?
They are all real DASD (except the 9xx addresses,
which are 3590 tapes in a library). Did VM decide 
on its own to give me these settings? Or perhaps
it 'asked' the devices what MITIME they like?

It is a mystery to me, 

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