On Monday, 02/04/2008 at 02:12 EST, Michael 
MacIsaac/Poughkeepsie/[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> A DASD's label seems to change after attaching then detaching it
> Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

When you detach a dedicated volume, CP re-reads the label on the suspicion 
that the guest could have changed the label.  Otherwise, CP only reads the 
label when you VARY ON the volume; a QUERY does not re-read the label. 
Further, CP doesn't monitor guest I/O looking for label changes - that 
would be a performance nightmare.  (ATTACH may re-read under some 
circumstances....  Eric or Steve would know better than I.)

Though one might wonder why now, in the 21st century, virtualization 
support in dasd subsystems wouldn't raise some sort of unit check when one 
of a list of Special Things is done to a volume.  Changing the content of 
cyl 0 would be one of them.  Guess what would be in the SENSE data?  The 
current label.

If I ran the zoo....

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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