I have SineNomine's SSLSERV installed on my z/VM 5.3 system and I can establish secure telnet sessions. I tried to configure FTP to take advantage of SSL as well. In SRVRFTP CONFIG, I specified TLSLABEL Y2KVM07, the certificate in the SSLSERV database, SECURECONTROL ALLOWED and SECUREDATA ALLOWED. Is that all that is required or do I need a different FTP service machine? Will the IBM FTPSERVE establish a secure connection. If so, how do I tell it to do so? I entered PRIVATE after an FTP session had been established between a couple of test systems, both of which have SSLSERV installed but got back the following message. This is what I got when I issued PRIVATE on the client end of an FTP session:

/Command: private Control connection is not secure / Do I need to specify a control port for FTPSERVE with the SECURE keyword and the certificate name?


Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(607) 255-1760

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