Does anyone have a copy of the old Waterloo tapes "CIA Mods" tape referen
in this entry in the ABSTRACT ABSTRACT of the Waterloo tape for VM/370 Re

M1086V00CIA MODS-- Our local mods that have been contributed to the
Waterloo VM Library now consume more than a reel of tape. Since our
local facilities tend to be of interest to a relatively small number of
installations, we will merely place a notice of availability for mods
that have been updated to the current level of VM/370. RELEASE6 MEMO
describes our contributions and current level of VM/370. They
include: 1) Batch Monitor Facility - A disconnected virtual machine
that monitors and controls jobs submitted for processing on remote
batch systems. Formerly M0081V00 on Release 5. 2) PROC Structure
Macros and Library - The PROC system is a set of several hundred
assembly language macros
that perform a variety of functions, including subroutine linkage and
storage allocation. Formerly M1112V00 on Release 5. 3) SEDIT - An
editor that is more powerful than EDIT yet less than XEDIT. Formerly
M1113V00 on Release 5. 4) TAPEMON - A disconnected service virtual
machine that processes user requests for tape drives and volumes. 5)
CLASSIFY - A printed output classification facility that allows users to
specify protective markings to be 'rubber stamped' at the top and
bottom of spool files directed to the real printer. This mod is
M1085V00 on this Release 6 Library.--David Farnham, Central
Intelligence Agency, ODP/SPD, Washington, D.C. 20505, (703) 351-6078,
August 27, 1980.

Please advise. Thanks.

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