There are several reasons why a 3140 could be returned.

1) The device is not 'free' when RMS queries it.  You already have
shown this is not the case.

2) There is a code problem in RMS.  As JR indicated, apply the latest
RMS service starting with UM32029

3) 'Device not available' was returned from the ATL.  Don't assume
that using if from another system would mean it is available as it
could be locked.  Does RMS actually attach the device to itself?

Apply the service.  If the problem persists call it in  (take a trsource
trace and RMS dump first).

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

>> A 3140 reason code does mean 'device is not available'.  Typically
>> though this is not an RMS problem.  The quickest way to find out would
>> be query the drive, and if 'FREE', then try attaching the drive outside
>> of RMS to see if that is successful.  Generally there is a reason why
>> RMS could not attach the drive.  If the drive was not available during
>> RMS initialization, RMS will later try to initialize and use the
>> device.  You should not have to restart RMS.
>> This all assumes you are current with RMS service.  Latest RMS
>> service does not require the drive to be free to query it (with
>> corresponding CP service).
>One of the first things I tried was to query the drive (it was FREE) then
>ATTACH to myself and DETACH.
>As I said in my reply to JR, I can perform RMS queries (and mounts)
>successfully on this drive on  another system (not at the same time ;-) ).
>For CP we are at V5R3.0 at RSU0702 so that should not be the problem. I
>thought we were reasonably up to date on DFSMS service but I will check.
>Is there a particular APAR that needs to be present to indicate the
>required service level?

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