In light of recent discussions on IBM-MAIN, IBMVM and elsewhere... 

This is a fantastic collection of useful documents on Linux and Unix
management and scalability, with a rising amount of content on
virtualization and virtual machines (and even some good papers from
other parts of IBM on the pSeries and iSeries virtualization plans).
Well worth reading. 

SHARE: this is your competition. Their stuff shows up in Google
searches. Yours doesn't. How do you plan to compete in the future? 

> From: Matt Blaze 
> Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 1:03 PM
> Subject: All online USENIX proceedings now free
> I'm delighted to report that USENIX, probably the most important
> technical society at which I publish (and on whose board I serve), 
> has taken a
> long-
> overdue lead toward openly disseminating scientific research.
> immediately, all USENIX proceedings and papers will be freely
> available on the
> USENIX web site as soon as they are published. (Previously, most of
> organization's proceedings required a member login for access for the
> first year
> after their publication.)  The proceedings are available at:
> For years, many authors have made their papers available on their own
> web sites,
> but the practice is haphazard, non-archivial, and, remarkably,
> actively discouraged
> by the restrictive copyright policies of many journals and
> conferences. So USENIX's
> step is important both substantively and symbolically. It reinforces
> why scientific
> papers are published in the first place: not as a proprietary revenue
> source, but to
> advance the state of the art for the benefit of society as a whole.
> Unfortunately, other major technical societies that sponsor
> conferences and journals
> still cling to the antiquated notion, rooted in a rapidly-
> disappearing print-based
> publishing economy, that they naturally "own" the writings that
> volunteer authors,
> editors and reviewers produce. These organizations, which insist on
> copyright control
> as a condition of publication, argue that the sale of conference
> proceedings and journal
> subscriptions provides an essential revenue stream that subsidizes
> their other good works.
> But this income, however well it might be used, has evolved into an
> ill-gotten windfall.
> We write scientific papers first and last because we want them read.
> When papers were
> actually printed on paper it might have been reasonable to expect
> authors to donate the
> copyright in exchange for production and distribution. Today, of
> course, such a model
> seems at best quaintly out of touch with the needs of researchers and
> academics who can
> no longer tolerate the delay or expense of seeking out printed copies
> of documents they
> expect to find on the web.
> Organizations devoted to computing research should recognize this not-
> so-new reality better
> than anyone. It's time for ACM and IEEE to follow USENIX's leadership
> in making scientific
> papers freely available to all comers. Let's urge them to do so.
> Matt Blaze

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