On Wednesday, 03/19/2008 at 01:28 EDT, Mark Vitale 
> Not sure about ETC HOSTS, but I can answer for HOSTS  LOCAL..
> You have to run MAKESITE to update HOSTS ADDRINFO and 
> HOSTS SITEINFO, since the clients only read the *INFO  files.

That hasn't been true for quite a while, Mark.  z/VM 5.1 introduced ETC 
HOSTS.  It does not require use of MAKESITE; the *INFO files are used only 
if no ETC HOSTS is available.  ("Death to *INFO files!  Death, I say!")

Thomas said:
> I  recently had a change to ETC HOSTS but I can't find a way to get 
TCP/IP to 
> recognize my change.
> Is  there a way, other that recycling TCPIP, to get the stack to 
reprocess the 
> ETC  HOSTS file?

Recycling of the stack is not required.  Just put the updated ETC HOSTS on 
the 592 disk and recycle the *application* server (to get it to re-access 
the 592).  The file is read by the resolver, not the stack.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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