For your Dirmaint question:
you need to"merge" the old and the new CP directory.  I've got execs
to help with this task, as usual(?) documentation is scarce: comments
in the exec.  I'll send them.
- MRGDIR is the main one
  - it splits the new (5.3) directory in seperate files (one for each userid)
  - it checks which minidisks exist in the current CP directory and
changes the address
    to avoid conflicts.
  - Dirmaint commands and RACF commands are prepared: ADD user for new userids
    AMDISKs for exsitng users.
  You are the master and decide what gets executed.
- CHGMDPPF is the next one, it can update the PPFs to replect the
changed minidisk
  addresses in te PPF files.
Use only if you understand the principles.

2008/3/21, Kris Buelens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> There may be extra migration steps, refer to RACF's program directory
>  to find out.  There were for each major RACF release change, and I
>  would be surprised if there were now: pass phrase support may require
>  extra fields in the RACF database.
>  2008/3/21, Thomas Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Very Carefully...
>  >
>  >  My feeling is the best way to move such pieces of data is to violate all
>  >  security and do it in a standalone mode without any other security packag
>  >  es
>  >  involved. This might mean having to have management or security people
>  >  looking over your shoulder at every keystroke.
>  >
>  >  1) Find out the volume, cylinder locations for your source and target, th
>  >  ey
>  >  match in size, right?
>  >
>  >  2) Shut down your old production system so there is NO chance of the RACF
>  >
>  >  database being updated during its move.
>  >
>  >  3) IPL your rescue system (single volume disaster recovery system or your
>  >
>  >  3-5 volume maintenance system, some system where you have PRIVILEGES with
>  >  out
>  >  security).
>  >
>  >  4) Attach the source volume and the target volume to your running rescue
>  >  system.
>  >
>  >  5) Use the DEFINE MDISK command to define both source and target minidisk
>  >  s.
>  >
>  >  6) Use DDR to copy all cylinders from source minidisk to target minidisk.
>  >
>  >
>  >  7) ACCESS both minidisks read-only (ACCESS 200 C/C, ACCESS 201 D/D).
>  >
>  >  8) Compare the contents as best as you can, same number of files, same
>  >  number of blocks, same MD5 Cyclical Redundancy Check?
>  >
>  >  9) Shut down your rescue system.
>  >
>  >  10) IPL your new production system.
>  >
>  >  11) Print out as much of your RACF database as possible and compare to th
>  >  e
>  >  printouts from before the move. (That's not part of your weekly reports?
>  >  Then make that step 0, print out all of your RACF database.)
>  >
>  >  12) Backup your old system to tape.
>  >
>  >  13) Several weeks later, securely erase the DASD from your old system.
>  >
>  >  14) Several months later, securely erase those backup tapes.
>  >
>  >  /Tom Kern
>  >  /U.S. Dept of Energy
>  >  /301-903-2211
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >  On Fri, 21 Mar 2008 15:37:03 -0400, Hamilton, Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >  om>
>  >  wrote:
>  >
>  > >What is the best way to copy over my vm 5.2 racf database to my new vm
>  >  >5.3 system?
>  >  >
>  >  >Also what is the best way to migrate dirmaint and its directly from vm
>  >  >5.2 to 5.3?
>  >  >
>  >  >Thanks
>  >
> --
>  Kris Buelens,
>  IBM Belgium, VM customer support

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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