Now that you mention it, I remember that a recent release of VM added that "ON" option to the autolog command. I submitted a request for that enhancement back in the late 70's. :)

Phil Smith III wrote:
Stephen Frazier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Not possible. A command must come from the terminal to log the user on.

Actually, while this I think this was still true on his release (4.4), newer releases 
support the "ON rdev/ldev" option on XAUTOLOG, so you *can* fire up an ID on a 

But my real purpose for writing this is to note that Phillip's question really isn't a 
newbie question -- a newbie wouldn't worry about an unknown ID, as (s)he would be too 
afraid to touch anything.  He gets full marks for being a Real Sysprog and saying 
"It's on my system, I need to know what it does, damnit!"

And as usual, this list gets full points for engaging several millennia of VM 
experience to throw out breadcrumbs until the answer was found, without a 
single snarky remark.  Would that other lists (mumble*ibm-main*mumble) were so 
mature and professional...!


Stephen Frazier
Information Technology Unit
Oklahoma Department of Corrections
3400 Martin Luther King
Oklahoma City, Ok, 73111-4298
Tel.: (405) 425-2549
Fax: (405) 425-2554
Pager: (405) 690-1828

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