This was posted to both the VM and Linux listservs
We finally got our POF running this morning and response is not great.
Since we know very little about this z/VM and zLinux I would appreciate
any hints. Performance Monitor shows some paging and swapping but from
our MVS point of view, its now bad. The VM guest only has 512M. I could
increase it but I keep hearing from Share and other seminars that
increasing memory is not usually the problem. There is 2G of memory
assigned to this lpar. 
Some testers, at different geographical locations are getting good
results, others aren't so I'm looking into network problems also.
Detailed data for user LKTEST2

 Total CPU   :  ....%     Storage def. :     512MB     Page fault rate:

 Superv. CPU :  ....%     Resident <2GB:  129654       Page read rate :

 Emulat. CPU :  ....%     Resident >2GB:       0       Page write rate:

 VF total    :  ....%     Proj. WSET   :  131072       Pgs moved >2GB>:

 VF overhead :  ....%     Reserved pgs :       0       Main > XSTORE  :

 VF emulation:  ....%     Locked pages :      13       XSTORE > main  :

 VF load rate:  ..../s    XSTORE dedic.:       0MB     XSTORE > DASD  :

 I/O rate    :  ..../s    XSTORE pages :    1314       SPOOL pg reads :

 DASD IO rate:  ..../s    DASD slots   :       0       SPOOL pg writes:

 UR I/O rate :  ..../s    IUCV X-fer/s :    ..../s     MDC insert rate:

 Diag. X'98' :  ..../s    Share        :     100       MDC I/O avoided:

 *BLOCKIO    :  ..../s    Max. share   :     ...


 #I/O active :     0      Active    :100%     PSW wait :100%     I/O
act. :  0%

 Stacked blk :    ..      Page wait :  0%     CF wait  :  0%
Eligible :  0%

 Stat.: EME,DSC,PSWT      I/O wait  :  0%     Sim. wait:  0%
Runnable :  0%


 Data Space Name            Size Mode  PgRd/s PgWr/s XRd/s XWr/s Migr/s

 BASE                      512MB Priv     ...    ...   ...   ...    ...


 Device activity and status:

 0009 3215   .0                          000C 254R      CL *, EOF    NOH
Interval 07:45:21-07:46:23, on 2008/04/11  (CURRENT interval, select
interim <>  or average
<>  data)

 ______          .
<>       .
<>        .
<>       .
<>       .
<>        .
<>       .
<>        .
<>       .
<>      .
<>      .
<>      .
<>      .
<>      .
<>      .
<>      .

           <------------ Memory Allocation (MB) -------------> <-------
Swapping -------> <--- Pages/s ---> <-BlockIO->

 Linux     <--- Main ---> <--- High --->        Buffers  Cache <-Space
(MB)-> <-Pgs/sec->  Allo <-Faults--> <--kB/sec-> Nr of

 Userid <>     M_Total
<>  %MUsed
<>  H_Total
<>  %HUsed
<>  Shared
<>  /CaFree
<>    Used
<>  S_Total
<>  %SUsed
<>     In
<>    Out
<>  cates
<>  Major
<>  Minor
<>   Read
<>  Write
<>  Users

 >System<    499.4   89.2      .0     .0     .0    63.1  181.8    1344
2.7  .000  .000 74.28  .062 174.1 5.329 5.958     3

 LAMP1 <>        499.4
93.6      .0     .0     .0    95.6  178.3    1024     .0  .000  .000
210.5  .000 503.1  .067 10.87

 LKTEST1 <>      499.4
75.7      .0     .0     .0    89.5  192.2    1504     .0  .000  .000
.836  .000  .070  .000 2.648

 LKTEST2 <>      499.4
98.2      .0     .0     .0     4.3  174.9    1504    8.2  .000  .000
8.843  .182 12.94 15.60 4.231
Bobby Bauer
Center for Information Technology
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD 20892-5628

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