On Tue, 4 Dec 2007 13:09:50 -0500, Pamela Christina in cold and snowY 
Endicott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>In response to listserv questions and offline comments about
>the LVCs and the snow, plus a question for you about LVC topics.
>The LVC's are listed on the VM events calendar.
>I don't think there's an email subscriber list for LVC's,
>but if you like to be subscribed to something,
>perhaps you can subscribe to the VM Education LVC page updates
>(click Notify Me on this page - http://www.vm.ibm.com/education/lvc/  )
>Even if you miss the live call, you can listen to the replays.
>Replay info is also on the VM Educ LVC page.
>Make a note...there are two more LVC's coming up in December:
>Dec. 11 - 11:00 AM ET

I received the note below today. By the time I got in to work, the new 

class "Linux on System z Performance Update" was already over. (I do not 

know what time the class was given. It would not let me enter at 10 am 


My previous note of change to this page was on 4/17. I don't remember 
seeing the class at that time. Did I miss it, or was it not there?

Is there any other way to be notified about LVC classes?


Alan Ackerman

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 2:00 AM
To: Ackerman, Alan
Subject: z/VM Web Site Changes


This file on our web site changed very recently:


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