> We need to put together something approaching a production network
> environment for Windows(r) under z/VM testing.
> We don't believe a 500 seat environment would generate any more
> traffic or for that matter be any more complex than the network
> definitions
> for a z/VM Linux server colony.

In theory, no, but Windows uses many more broadcast and directed
unicast/multicast protocols than Linux does, so the traffic patterns
will be different. 

To be a realistic test, you'll need at least three layer 2 network
segments, separated by layer 3 routers. The reason you need this kind of
thing is to be able to test the hacks that Windows uses to bridge
broadcast protocols across layer 3 networks (eg, WINS, etc). 

> Has anyone put together a fairly complex multi-guest VM network using
> VSWITCH?  If so, can you point me to any VM definitions that may have
> shared on this list?

Think of it as: 

---- segment 1 ---- Router1 ----segment 2 ---- Router2 ---segment 3

Your Windows guests go on segments 1 and 3. DEFINE VSWITCH TYPE ETHERNET
for each segment and define 3 NICs on each router virtual machine (I'd
use Linux, but you will want to test Windows packet forwarding as
well(). On router 1, couple one NIC to seg 1, one NIC to seg 2, and the
3rd NIC to a VSW that has exterior access (lets you log into the routers
and collect data/change configuration). On router2, couple one NIC to
seg 2, one NIC to seg 3, and the third NIC to the outside segment. 

You can then define your Windows guests and couple them to seg 1 or 3
(or 2 if you really want). 

That should give you a fairly realistic idea of how the Windows setup
will work. You can also use the router virtual machines to give
connectivity to the outside if you so desire by setting the default
route in the router machines to the outside world. 

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