> I have to get my z/VM console log files over to z/OS and I don't know
the best procedure to use to do this.
> What is the best procedure to use?

We've developed a one-link TCPNJE implementation based on REXX and CMS
Pipelines that provides the ability to transfer files and messages to a
full TCPNJE implementation located somewhere else on the network - kind
of a RSCS "lite" that does only the VM spool interface component and NJE
over IP transmission/receipt functions of RSCS. If your z/OS is at
release 1.7 or higher, this would allow you to just use SENDFILE or use
real-time interactive messages to get the data to z/OS.


It provides the basic NJE file transfer and interactive message
capabilities, but can talk to only one remote host (the remote host has
to have a full TCPNJE implementation, like JES or RSCS, or the NJE
Bridge for Linux and other non-IBM operating systems). All you need is a
IP connection between the VM system and the remote system running the
full TCPNJE implementation. 


If anyone would find that useful, I'll look into making it available for
download. I'll probably ask for a small donation to help recoup the
development costs, but it's pretty handy (and lots cheaper than a full
RSCS license...). 


-- db


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