
I haven't examined the man page for shorthand notation, but my .x3270pro uses the keyword 'Keypress':

x3270.keymap.rks0: #override              \
    :<KeyPress>Control_L:   Reset()        \n\
    :<KeyPress>Control_R:   Enter()        \n\
    :<KeyPress>Return:      Newline()      \n\
    <KeyPress>Escape:       Clear()


I am attempting to set up Ubuntu with x3270 as our OPERATOR terminal.
it connects with the ICC and i can specify the LU and all that and it works fine. the problem i have is that i cannot get the Clear() function mapped to a key

in the default x3270 config file .x3270pro i have tried it mapped to various keys:
<Key>Escape:  Clear()\n\
<Key>Print:  Clear()\n\
<Key>Pause:  Clear()\n\
<Key>Next:  Clear()\n\

after restarting x3270 after each change to .x3270pro none of them do a clear screen.

Alt<Key>c:  Clear()\n\
does work, but the operators are used to pushing Pause

i have even defined a macro in .x3270pro and that works.
but my preference is to map it to a key - which i can't get to work.

any ideas?


Phillip Gramly
Systems Programmer
Communications Data Group
Champaign, IL

Rich Smrcina
VM Assist, Inc.
Phone: 414-491-6001
Ans Service:  360-715-2467
rich.smrcina at

Catch the WAVV!
WAVV 2009 - Orlando, FL - May 15-19, 2009

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