I think Eric Thomas got there first when he worked for CERN:-

Go to the VM Share Archives at:-


and search for his append :-

"Append on 08/26/92 at 11:03 by Eric Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:"

There is nice tutorial (or is it a rant) on using VI plus some essential
information on command naming standards...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Shimon Lebowitz
> Sent: 06 June 2008 14:54
> Subject: Re: Afterthought on Trying to Learn z/Linux ISHELL Scripting
> Can you write it up and post it?
> Sounds great!
> Shimon
> ---- Original message ----
> >Date:   Mon, 2 Jun 2008 08:31:02 -0600
> >From:   Jack Woehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject:   Afterthought on Trying to Learn z/Linux ISHELL
> Scripting
> >
> >   Dave Wade wrote:
> >
> >     For most "UNIX" commands (and many other features
> >     of UNIX) the man pages are a great reference.
> >
> >   Afterthought in a new week: I'd love to give a
> >   seminar or webinar sometime on "Unix Bull**** that
> >   Every VM Weenie Should Know".
> >
> > --
> > Jack J. Woehr            # "Self-delusion is
> > http://www.well.com/~jax #  half the battle!"
> > http://www.softwoehr.com #  - Zippy the Pinhead

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