Yes I recently worked with a customer regarding this same issue.  What it
comes down to the Perfkit WEB Interface is not designed for this and we 

are a basic user interface.  
My response in the PMR was:
-We do not provide the support for applications to change user passwords 

and there ar eno plans to add this support. 
-To change a password that does not have an associated z/VM user ID you 

must get a SYSADMIN to change it for you (or the shop must have set up 

some self-help automation to handle it).
-However, it looks like in R530 you can do what you are after!!!..check 

this out: 
  Starting in  z/VM 530 we have abillity to set a NOEXPIRED password:  
    thus when you initially set your password it will not be expired.  
    and then he can also set               
    RAC password  user( PERF2 )  nointerval          
    so the password will not expire in the future.
We are however looking into the Perfkit and "return code handling" from 

our calls to we could possibly change some messages and such
in the future, but I do not see us "handling" password changes/etc for th
aformentioned reasons.
I hope this helps clarify the concern.
Best Regards, Roger Lunsford Perfkit/CP Level2

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