I think CMS reads the console input anyway.  Maybe this was changed with XA.
- Without AUTOCR, the console read by SYSPROF EXEC gets it and stacks it again
  ==> you'll find the presence of an XAUTOLOG parameter in QUEUED()
- With AUTOCR, SYSPROF doesn't read it (but CMS id)
  ==> EXTERNALS() will be > 0

2008/7/15 Rob van der Heij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I believe it used to be that we avoided AUTOCR for virtual machines
> that start through AUTOLOG. The reason was that AUTOLOG stacks a line
> to satisfy the console read from CMS. So when you would autolog a
> virtual machine that had AUTOCR in the directory, it would leave that
> extra line stacked for the console and give you "not accepted" when
> you reconnect to that virtual machine.
> But I don't seem able to reproduce this. Am I just getting old or did
> this really get fixed somewhere?
> -Rob

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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