Kenneth Tomiak, SHARE Rexx Project Manager sent this out today.


This email was sent to ALL members of SHARE  Group APLS Project REXX.

SHARE Rexx Project and IBM Hooked Up Again

Somewhere in the past, the handling of Rexx Requirements lost its way. As
a result of my shutting down the SHARE Rexx Requirement area, Alan 
Ackerman posted my email to the Rexx Requirement distribution list to a V
listserv. Alan and I traded several emails before that post was made. It 

wound its way into an area within IBM that was no longer involved in the 

SHARE Rexx Requirement process. I traded some emails with the IBMer that 

contacted me. IBM did some internal discussing, and we are proud to 
announce IBM will continue to take Rexx requirements from SHARE for the 

interpreter. That's right, only the Compiler is in maintenance mode. I 

will be opening up the Rexx Requirement section again, and then re-
introduce the last round of requirements from 2007 that were prematurely 

rejected. I now have someone from IBM assigned to direct the Rexx 
Requirements to the appropriate IBM team. So the SHARE Rexx Project and 

IBM are back in the requirements business. That includes TSO/E, z/OS Unix
Services, System REXX, VM/REXX, VSE/REXX, and REXX for CICS. No promise 

that every group will implement every request, but they will now be given
serious consideration.

My thanks to Alan and whoever steered this inside of IBM. Plus my thanks 

to the IBMers who put up with me.

Please be patient as I only request the system be opened up. Someone else
has to set the flag and many of us are preparing or already traveling to 

San Jose. We will be back online soon.

I'm very happy.

Contact him at

Watch out for line breaks!

Alan Ackerman                    
Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com       

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