I need some advice and hopefully someone on this list serve has already 

tackled the problem I’m having. We run our IBM systems solely to suppor
the U.S. Air Force Jovial J73 compiler and its assorted toolset. The 
compiler was originally written to run on MVS but it was tweaked for us t
run on VM in 370 mode back in the mid 1980’s. Needless to say we are 

running unsupported software, in our case VM/ESA 2.3 so as a result we 

aren’t running any modern big IBM iron either. My organization is 
considering re-hosting Jovial on some sort of Windows platform but I’d 
to keep this an IBM operation if at all possible. We also heavily use Uni
Linux and Windows on other platforms. To offset some of the cost of a new
system (z9 at a minimum) maybe it could do double or triple duty replacin
some of those other platforms.

Of my options, which would be the most efficient? The latest zVM with a 

VM/ESA guest? The latest zOS with a VM/ESA guest? Some other combination?
Or, heaven forbid, go with re-hosting to Windows? I’m not worried about
putting myself out of a job. I’ve already retired once and am just doin
some contractor work at the place I retired from. ;-)

Thanks in advance.
Karl Severson
IBM VM System Administrator
Raytheon Company
El Segundo, California

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