Thanks Richard...

>>> Richard Troth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 9/10/2008 10:34 AM >>>
Nothing special for the Linux minidisks. 
The distributor's installation tool should perform any additional formatting. 
For example, if you install SuSE (SLES10), you will click the checkboxes for 
the disks you want Linux to use and the installer program will magically make 
everything right. 

*** DETAILS *** 

Be aware that high level formatting and low level formatting are separate 
functions in the Unix world.  Low level formatting (eg: blocking the disk at 
4K) is handled by the 'dasdfmt' command.  High level formatting is handled by 
'mkfs' or specifically 'mke2fs'.  Once you have Linux installed there are a lot 
of options open to you! 

CMS FORMAT does both: it blocks the disk and then slaps an EDF filesystem into 
those blocks.  Truth is that you can CMS FORMAT a minidisk and Linux will use 
it without the 'dasdfmt' step.  (Still needs the 'mke2fs' part, blowing away 
EDF and laying down EXT2 or EXT3.)  But I am leaving out important details and 
my note to this point would tick off some of the German IBMers who support 

Mainframe Linux lately uses "CDL" for the low level format, "Compatible Disk 
Layout".  That is "compatible" with z/OS where the first track has a valid z/OS 
label.  It breaks that lovely and elegant CMS FORMAT layout with pure 4K blocks 
(or whatever blocksize you choose).  If you are not sharing Linux disks with 
z/OS, CDL buys you nothing.  But it is the default and it is what SuSE and 
RedHat will assume that you want. 

-- R; <><

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 10:17 AM, Howard Rifkind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I need to a few Linux guests and was given a new volume to allocate the new 
guests minidisks on this volume.
Volume has 32K tracks and I'm allocating a few minidisk to the guests of 3338 
cylinders on this volume.
I'm first doing a CPFMTXA format and labeling the disk accordingly.
The directory is setup with the new guest and minidisk statements accordingly.
Is there anything special I have to do to the minidisk to make the usable to 
Linux and before I turn over the new guests to the Linux people?

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