> Dave Tibbetts wrote:
> > You can find GONE on the old VM Workshop tools here...
> >
> > http://ukcc.uky.edu/%7Etools/1996/

Thanks for the tip, Dave.
I was wondering where that went.  :-)

GONE is easy enough to [re]do in Pipes.
Just feed your own stage (written in REXX) from STARMSG.

On Tue, 30 Sep 2008, Jim Bohnsack wrote:
> No offense to Rick Troth, but that isn't the real GONE.  Wayne Preism of
> the IBM WSC wrote GONE in the early 80's and it's different than Rick's.

No offense taken, Jim.
I think Arty also wrote a GONE with IUCVTRAP.
Mine definitely came later than that.  (So did certain other
code that I wrote back in the day:  Sir Arthur and other tool makers
were truly inspriational!)

Is Wayne's the GONE which is based on PROP?
The first GONE I ever encountered was PROP based
and required that you STOP when reconnecting.  Very annoying.
(But maybe Wayne Preism's GONE is driven by WAKEUP or something.)

-- R;   <><

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