Is your NICDEF in the directory or dynamically defined from a PROFILE
EXEC?   I would look at the directory entry and the PROFILE EXEC..   Also -
what do console logs show when the server starts up?  There should be some
clues there...

Scott Rohling

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 7:56 AM, Steve Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> We have recently upgraded our SLES guests from 9 to 10 with out incident.
> The last to be updated was our 'router' guest for our HIPERSOCKET network.
> This linux admins upgraded this guest as such:
> a) Created SLES 10 guest and configured identical with the exception of the
> IP address and successfully tested
> b) shut down SLES 9 guest
> c) Started SLES 10, renamed HOST NAME and IP address to that of the SLES 9.
> Everything worked great,, for a week.
> We had a communication gap, I was not informed to stop the AUTOLOG of the
> SLES 9 guest, which was before the new SLES10.
> CLARIFICATION:  The guests names are different, the host names are the
> same.
> On Monday no connection to the HIPERSOCKET lan.  We stopped both guests and
> restarted SLES 10, still no connection,  After furter investigation it was
> found this guest will not automatically acquire the NIC Def for the Linux
> side of the HIPERSOCKET lan.  All others are acquired at startup, (they are
> all the same address's used by the SLES 9 gues).  However, via YAST we can
> acquire the definition.  Again this Sunday/Monday system startup w/o the
> SLES 9 guest start the same NIC would not acquire w/o manual intervention
> from YAST.  Here is the result of Q NIC ALL DETAILS before the YAST
> intervention
> Adapter 0304  Type: QDIO      Name: UNASSIGNED  Devices: 3
>  Port 0 MAC: 02-00-00-00-00-02  LAN: SYSTEM PRODHS
>      RX Packets: 0          Discarded: 0          Errors: 0
>      TX Packets: 0          Discarded: 0          Errors: 0
>      RX Bytes: 0                    TX Bytes: 0
>  Unassigned Devices:
>      Device: 0304  Unit: 000   Role: Unassigned
>      Device: 0305  Unit: 001   Role: Unassigned
>      Device: 0306  Unit: 002   Role: Unassigned
> We are at the end of where or what to look at.  Any thoughts or suggestions
> are GREATLY appreciatted.

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