I get the same result from the latest version of RXSSL.

I have done some CP tracing in RXSSL. 

The code is failing with

DMSITP143T Addressing exception occurred at 816D7724 in system routine 

DMSDIE3550I All APPC/VM and IUCV paths have been 
The failing code (after macro expansion) is:

SR      R1,R1
IC      R1,0(,SQRAR)

(It’s failing on the IC.) 
The value in SQRA = R9 is 1E38775C – way outside of my virtual machin

This is happening in the IAMATH routine, subroutine IASQR. IAMATH is a 

Large Integer Mathematics package from Central Missouri State University.
Unfortunately, many of the subroutine in IAMATH use WRKINTA, and most of 

them use R9, with different symbolic names for R9 in each case. I don’t
see the value of using WRKINTA/WRKINTB everywhere. Why not give each 
subroutine its own save area? It can only save a few bytes. And multiple 

symbolic names for the same register is very confusing!  I’m guessing t
there is either a storage overlay, or a path through the code that 
overlays one saved value of R9 with another one.

I have an educated guess as to what is causing this. The server I am usin
supports SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0, but not TLS. I’ve never gotten IE or Fire
to work without turning off TLS. The vendor says that IE must not be 
negotiating correctly, but the problem may be in the web server. In any 

case, the web browsers don’t crash! RXSSL should protect itself better,
even if the data it receives is incorrect.

I haven’t figure out a way to turn off TLS in RXSSL – that would prob
be the next thing to try.

Alan Ackerman                    
Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com       

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