

I am trying to use the SWAPGEN EXEC to create a FBA SWAP file by adding
it to the PROFILE EXEC of the Linux guest. However it seems to keep
taking the default of DIAG. Since I do not have the DIAG drivers on my
RedHat REL4 guest I need to do FBA. Here is he syntax I am using:


'SWAPGEN 900 524288 FBA'


I am tracing the EXEC now to see if I spot something. BTW I do have the
RXDASD MODULE on the guest. This module is required for FBA swap. Does
anyone have any ideas about this?



Thank You,


Terry Martin

Lockheed Martin - Information Technology

z/OS & z/VM Systems - Performance and Tuning

Cell - 443 632-4191

Work - 410 786-0386



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