Carol Jobusch collected teddy bears. I understand she has a huge collection. At an Interim SHARE in Salt Lake City I went with Pete Jobusch when he went shopping for teddy bears at ZCMI to take home to Carol, who was not at that particular SHARE.

So when she bought the stickers, it was because she liked teddy bears. She then gave them out to the warm cuddly folks in the VM Group. When I saw people with them I asked them where they got them and they said Carol. So I looked for and found her I asked if I might have one also. She hesitated and said, "Well, OK" and gave me one, which I put on my badge.

Later we were all standing around and someone mentioned that the stickers were given to warm cuddly friendly people. Carol was in the group, so I expressed surprise that she had given me one when I asked for one. In response she said she was afraid not to.... Put me in my place, she did.... Everyone had a good laugh. I should have removed the bear sticker because I was unbearable....

Kent Taylor (Mongo)
User Surly, NY

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2008 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: Wired delenda est

It was Carol, as you remember and Harry already reminded me in an earlier post. <Blush> That's what I get for posting from (an old) memory (and on a Blackberry) instead of looking it up.

Apparently, Marty always put me to sleep (not much of a challenge) at the VM Program opening sessions when he recited the heraldry.

Mike Walter
Hewitt Associates

----- Original Message -----
From: "David L. Craig" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11/08/2008 09:40 AM EST
Subject: Re: Wired delenda est

On Fri, Nov 07, 2008 at 11:55:03PM -0600, Mike Walter wrote:

It's probably listed in one of Melinda's papers, or her fascinating
"History of VM".  The way I recall it, at one SHARE (maybe in SF?) Sandra
Hassenplug went shopping instead of to the General session.  She came
across a roll of the now famous teddy bear stickers, buying several feet of
them.  She had been looking for a way for the relatively few VM'ers at
SHARE to find each other, and thought that stickers, like the "I've been
greeted by #1" stickers given by the guy who always was the first to
register for each SHARE, would be a good means.  She considered the teddy
bear a warm, friendly icon of the VM operating system.  Thus was born the
first mainframe operating system icon/mascot.

I always heard it was Carol Jobush, not Sandra.


May the LORD God bless you exceedingly abundantly!

Dave Craig

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"'So the universe is not quite as you thought it was.
You'd better rearrange your beliefs, then.
Because you certainly can't rearrange the universe.'"

--from _Nightfall_  by Asimov/Silverberg

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