(Cross posted to VM and VSE lists)

Gabe -

Here's my story about managers:

I founded the Data Processing Center at Slippery Rock State College in
May 1963.  We had our first student registration using IBM punched card
tabulating equipment for the fall semester.

A new freshman did not show up for registration because he had an
appendectomy just before the beginning of the semester.  When he
showed up two weeks later the registrar sent him to me to get him
registered into whatever courses were still open.  He was fascinated
with the machines and asked me if I had student employees.  I told him
that I had just been authorized to hire someone and he got the job.
Paul worked for me until he was graduated.  He then went to the
University of Pittsburgh where he earned a Masters in Computer Science.

Now jump to 1969 when we had a real computer (IBM 360/40) and we
were looking for a Director of Computer Services.  Paul applied and
got the job so I was now working for my former student employee.

Paul left SRSC to become the Director of the University of
Pittsburgh Computer Center where he worked for 20 years.

About two months ago we invited SCT Banner and Oracle/Peoplesoft to
give presentations on their Student Information Systems.  Guess who
gave the presentation for Peoplesoft?  It was Paul.  (FYI - I will not
be participating in selecting the successful vendor).

My second story:

While Paul was my manager I was programming manager and one of my
programmers was Carl.  I did not like being a manager and Paul moved
me into full time systems programming and Carl took my place as
programming manager.  Carl was a very good manager and eventually
moved up to Assistant Director and later became the Director of
Computing Services so I was again working for a former subordinate.

Carl and I are both 66 years old and we work great together.  Four
younger programmer/analysts have retired in recent years and have not
been replaced. Carl and I are holding things together until we migrate
off the mainframe to a new Student Information System in 2010 or 2011.

/Fran Hensler at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania USA for 45 years
    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://zvm.sru.edu/~fjh  +1.724.738.2153
              "Yes, Virginia, there is a Slippery Rock"

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