On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 1:52 PM, Thomas Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there a way to use the PIPE to send a message to the console before
> waiting for the response?

You can do REXX  say statements to display a message before the Pipe.
You can't feed anything into that "cons" stage because it may not have
an input connected to act as console input. You could make another
unconnected pipeline segment output the text, but I don't see much
value in that.

A more interesting challenge would be a 'count down'  to display a
message every minute while waiting. In principle the "beat" stage
would be fine for that, but it needs some work to make sure the pipe
terminates nicely on user input. I could understand apprentice
plumbers who code a wait for 1 minute in a REXX loop ;-)


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