Well yes, to be fair there were loads of others, but none that apply here

I started life as a photographic junior(left 35-hours in the dark per wee
no fun) and yes, had a paper round, but much more interesting, I worked o
the last full size horse drawn barge on the Grand Union Canal(left too mu
beer), worked as an offal cutter in the butchery dept of the local 
supermarket(left too bloody); in a hardware store as a warehouse boy(poor
pay) and on a stall at Wembley Market in London(too cold and wet); my fir
real job was as a relational database for a market research company in 

1974(ahh yes, sorting punch cards, select by row where column x equals an
column y greater than).

All vastly useful experience to convince me that one day I wanted a real 

job indoors, sitting down, and here I am a Distinguished Engineer at IBM 

with no college degree and no patents, funny old world. Sadly I no longer
get to use or work on VM, which is a real shame. But I'm doing my best to
recreate the experience elsewhere.

We now return you to your normal service and I'll go back into the 

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