The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 
12/05/2008 10:16:33 AM:

> In researching an answer to another posting, I stumbled upon what I had 
> nce
> used to automate EREP. It is the SMTRAP MODULE that would be loaded in 
> e
> EREP PROFILE EXEC. It would establish the SMSG/IUVC waiting 
> and would stop the EREP collection program when my VMUTIL server issued 
> he
> CP SMSG EREP END command. 
> What I cannot find in my archives now, is the source for this nice 
> program. Does anyone remember it?
> /Tom Kern 

I believe I might be the guilty party.  I'll see if I can find it, wrote 
it a couple of jobs back.

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