CMS Multitasking Application Programming documentation draws a distinction
between voluntary and involuntary loss of control by a thread. Blocking and
yielding in a thread are easily understood as causes for voluntary loss of
control. Preemption would appear to be just as easily understood.

However, the observed behavior of a running application doesn¹t appear to
obey the documentation which states in part  that at the CMS thread level
you can involuntarily (preemptively)  lose control to threads in  different
classes. Alternatively stated, a compute bound thread in the same class as
three siblings will never cede control to one of the three siblings but
should cede control to threads of higher priority outside it dispatch class.

Thread priorities can be established at thread creation time as a plus or
minus offset of the creating thread priority.  I have an application which
creates  6 threads all all of which are given a distinct classes and various
priorities at the point of creation.   The lowest priority thread  is the
most compute intensive.  All threads other than the compute bound thread
exhibit blocking or yielding behavior necessary for voluntary loss of
control; the compute bound thread does not.  The compute bound thread is the
only one that gets dispatched.

Preemption at the virtual machine level works beautifully or this would be a
really small forum. Given the content of the manual I would expect that the
compute bound thread would involuntarily lose control at some point to the
higher priority threads in different classes.

1. Does CMS preemptively dispatch threads as the documentation implies?
2. If so, is there some VM or CMS configuration option that is used to
ensure this happens?


--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

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