Thanks to the help received here I'm making, (I think), good progress with
getting z/tpf under z/vm talking to the outside world.

I've got the virtual nics and the guest lan defined, and according to the
traces the tcpip stack appears to correctly route incoming pings to the lan,
though there's no stack there yet to respond to them.

I'm now enabling OSAE support on z/tpf and one of the mandatory parameters is
the osa port name:

    specifies the name of the port on the OSA-Express card, where osaport is a
3- to 8-character alphanumeric port name. The name of the port must be the
same for all hosts that have connections to the same OSA-Express card. Each
network port defined on a multiport OSA-Express adapter must have a unique
port name."

I don't appear to be able to specify this on the DEFINE NIC or DEFINE LAN

Anyone know where I specify this, or if it just defaults to some standard



Ian S. Worthington, MBCS.


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