On Tuesday, 01/20/2009 at 12:35 EST, "Schuh, Richard" <rsc...@visa.com> 
> Shouldn't someone have to initialize the new tapes before they are used?
> They at least need a dummy header label before there is an EOF.

The problem is that the VTS apparently failed to write the tape mark after 
it wrote the header label group.

As with a real tape, they should be signalling EOT when you try to read 
past the last data written.  FSF looks for a tape mark.  If there isn't 
one on the tape and it goes to EOT, then you'll get an I/O error.

Since MOVEFILE is treating the tape as non-labeled, it doesn't care 
whether it hits EOT or a EOF (TM).

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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