Some encouraging news from IBM with its 4Q results. System z fell
year-to-year but not by much:

Fourth-Quarter 2008:

Diluted earnings of $3.28 per share, up 17 percent;
Net income of $4.4 billion, up 12 percent;
Gross profit margin of 47.9 percent, up 3 points;
Revenue of $27.0 billion, impacted by strong U.S. dollar, down 6 percent,
down 1 percent adjusting for currency;
Software revenues up 3 percent, up 9 percent adjusting for currency; pre-tax
income up 15 percent;
Global Technology Services revenue down 4 percent, up 3 percent adjusting
for currency; pre-tax income up 35 percent;
Global Business Services revenues down 5 percent, flat adjusting for
currency; pre-tax income up 26 percent;
Services signings of $17.2 billion, 24 deals greater than $100 million;
Strategic outsourcing signings up 20 percent worldwide, up 44 percent in
North America.


³Revenues from the Systems and Technology segment totaled $5.4 billion for
the quarter, down 20 percent (16 percent, adjusting for currency). Systems
revenues decreased 18 percent (14 percent, adjusting for currency). Revenues
from the converged System p server products increased 8 percent compared
with the 2007 period. Revenues from System z mainframe server products
decreased 6 percent compared with the year- ago period. Total delivery of
System z computing power, which is measured in MIPS (millions of
instructions per second), increased 12 percent. Revenues from the System x
servers decreased 32 percent, and revenues from the legacy System i servers
decreased 92 percent. Revenues from System Storage decreased 20 percent, and
revenues from Retail Store Solutions decreased 28 percent. Revenues from
Microelectronics OEM decreased 34 percent.²

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