If the asterisk is not in column one then it's a case of WAD: you can code an asterisk as the node ID to indicate that a specific user ID should be authorized for accessing data and executing commands regardless of the system where he logged on. 'VM54PROD' will then be interpreted as the user ID, which makes 'PERFSVM' an invalid specification. If the asterisk is really in column 1 of record 2 then it's a bug ...
Eginhard Jaeger Here is my FCONRMT AUTHORIZ file: 00000 * * * Top of File * * * 00001 VM54PROD PERFSVM S&FSERV CMD DATA 00002 * VM54PROD PERFSVM CMD 00003 VM54PROD * DATA 00004 * * * End of File * * * Why is it reading Line 0002 at all?