SHARE in Austin starts a month from today! It's that time again to put the call out for session chairs. The list of sessions, in time sequence, is below.

As a session chair you'll be the envy of your friends and colleagues. You get to meet and introduce the speaker, make a really cool, but short, speech, count session attendees, keep general order and collect the always important evaluation forms at the end of the session. Feel free to sign up for any sessions you think you may plan to attend.

To go along with the SHARE themes, one of which is Total Enterprise Virtualization, the Linux and VM Program is featured prominently in a new Virtualization theme room with a separate set of sessions. These sessions are listed along with the sessions below with a V after the session number. We ask that there be two chairs for each of these sessions.

The remaining sessions are:

9102V Mon 09:30a 930 Introduction to Virtualization: z/VM Basic Concepts and Terms Bill Bitner 9060V Mon 11:00a 1100 IBM Transformation: Major IT Consolidation Initiative for Project Big Green Bill Reeder 9216 Mon 11:00a 1100 Extreme Filesystem Sharing Experiences with Linux using a Read-Only Root FS at Nationwide Rick Troth 9113 Mon 01:30p 1330 The z/VM Control Program (CP) - Useful Things to Know John Franciscovich 9165 Mon 01:30p 1330 How to configure your EMC Symmetrix for z/VM and Linux Gail Riley
9106    Mon    03:00p    1500    VM Performance Update    Bill Bitner
9127 Mon 03:00p 1500 z/VM for MVS Systems Programmers - Part 1 of 2 Martha McConaghy/Mark Post 9276V Mon 03:00p 1500 High Availability Architectures for Linux in a Virtual Environment Scott Loveland
9241    Mon    03:00p    1500    Securing Linux with RACF on z/VM    Alan 
9220V Mon 04:30p 1630 Nothing Runs Like z/VM and Linux at John Deere Thomas Stewart 9286 Mon 04:30p 1630 Tending the SANity of the Flock - SAN Experiences at Nationwide Rick Troth 9234 Mon 04:30p 1630 Managing Linux under z/VM using the Linux Performance Suite (ESALPS) Barton Robinson 9128 Mon 04:30p 1630 z/VM for MVS Systems Programmers - Part 2 of 2 Martha McConaghy/Mark Post
9293    Tue    08:00a    800    What's New in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5    
Bradford Hinson
9277 Tue 09:30a 930 Fedora for System z: The Open Source Build Process Explained Bradford Hinson
9202V    Tue    11:00a    1100    Linux on System z - A Strategic View    Jim 
9050    Tue    11:00a    1100    z/VM Platform Update    Reed Mullen/Martha 
9124V    Tue    01:30p    1330    Experiences Using z/VM VSWITCH    David 
9292 Tue 01:30p 1330 Performance Experience with Databases on Linux for IBM System z Eberhard Pasch 9133 Tue 01:30p 1330 Configuring, Customizing and Modifying Your VM System Without an IPL John Franciscovich 9134 Tue 03:00p 1500 Dynamically Managing Hardware I/O Configuration Using VM Rick Barlow
9163V    Tue    03:00p    1500    Sharing the Wealth Using VLANs on Vswitch    
David Kreuter
9238 Tue 03:00p 1500 Configuring Linux on z/VM for Performance Barton Robinson 9249 Tue 04:30p 1630 Putting Linux on System z into Production: True Stories Erich Amrehn 9240 Tue 04:30p 1630 Linux on z/VM System Programmer Survival Guide Robert (Jay) Brenneman 9235 Wed 08:00a 800 Analyzing and Tuning Linux Storage in z/VM environment Barton Robinson 9158V Wed 08:00a 800 Server Virtualization Technical and Total Cost Analysis Montgomery Bauman 9150 Wed 09:30a 930 z/VM Cross System Extensions for High Availability and System Management - now with shared SysRes Robert (Jay) Brenneman 9215 Wed 09:30a 930 Linux on System z at Wells Fargo: Penguins Board the Stagecoach Marcy Cortes
9111    Wed    11:00a    1100    New Features of the z/VM 5.4 Hypervisor    
Romney White
9279 Wed 11:00a 1100 Problem Determination with Linux on System z Frank Blaschka 9230 Wed 01:30p 1330 Saving Real Storage with Execute in Place on Linux for System z Ihno Krumreich
9166    Wed    01:30p    1330    z/VM Performance Case Studies    Bill Bitner
9129    Wed    03:00p    1500    z/VM Security and Integrity    Alan Altmark
9146 Wed 03:00p 1500 Using Unicenter VM:Operator To Manage Linux Servers Brian Jagos
9273    Wed    03:00p    1500    Linux on z/VM Performance cases    Rob van der 
9160    Wed    04:30p    1630    z/VM System Limits    Bill Bitner
9259 Wed 04:30p 1630 SCSI over FCP for Linux on System z - Introduction and New Features Christof Schmitt 9137V Thu 08:00a 800 Virtual Linux Server Disaster Recovery Planning Rick Barlow 9280 Thu 08:00a 800 Linux on System z - What's new in the I/O Area Horst Hummel 9224 Thu 08:00a 800 Linux System Management for the Mainframe System Programmer - Part 1 of 2 Mark Post 9117 Thu 08:00a 800 Introduction to Installation and Service of z/VM using VMSES/E Jim Vincent 9237 Thu 09:30a 930 Linux under z/VM Performance Analysis Case Studies Barton Robinson 9118 Thu 09:30a 930 Servicing and Maintaining z/VM with VM/SES - Live Demo Jim Vincent 9061V Thu 11:00a 1100 The SaaS-y Mainframe! - Cloud Computing with System z Mac Devine
9267    Thu    11:00a    1100    Networking with Linux on System z     Frank 
9284 Thu 11:00a 1100 How To Turn a Penguin Into a Dog (or, Things To Do That Will Avoid Linux on z Success) Philip Smith
9281    Thu    01:30p    1330    OpenSolaris on System z    Neale Ferguson
9212V Thu 03:00p 1500 Success with Linux on System z at Nationwide - Leasons Learned Jim Vincent 9290 Thu 03:00p 1500 Managing Your Red Hat Enterprise Linux Guests with RHN Satellite Bradford Hinson
9239    Thu    03:00p    1500    Linux for System z Goody Bag    Robert (Jay) 
9122 Thu 03:00p 1500 z/VM Tuning Revisited with Specialty Engines for z/OS Bill Bitner 9261 Thu 04:30p 1630 (Dis)Honest TCO Analysis for Linux on System z Romney White/Erich Amrehn 9266 Thu 04:30p 1630 Monitoring Linux Guests and Processes with Linux Tools Martin Schwidefsky
9282    Fri    08:00a    800    I/O Connectivity for Linux on System z     
Horst Hummel
9289 Fri 08:00a 800 Additional Feet for the Penguin - SCSI over FCP Multipathing for Linux on System z Christof Schmitt 9287 Fri 08:00a 800 Installing a Novell SLES 10 Starter System without a Net(work) Mark Post 9270 Fri 08:00a 800 Using Linux on System z for Web 2.0 - Infrastructure Wolfgang Taphorn
9274    Fri    09:30a    930    The Linux IPL Procedure    Edmund MacKenty
9297 Fri 09:30a 930 Documentation for Linux on System z - Making it work for you! Maria Eisenhaendler 9271V Fri 09:30a 930 Using Linux on System z for Web 2.0 - Applications Wolfgang Taphorn

Rich Smrcina
VM Assist, Inc.
Phone: 414-491-6001
Ans Service:  360-715-2467

Catch the WAVV!
WAVV 2009 - Orlando, FL - May 15-19, 2009

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