I think SEPP was available for VM/370 R5.  SEPP, if remember correctly, was the "official" version of the Wheeler Scheduler. I don't thing BSEPP included the Wheeler Scheduler. 

HPO R4 was probably the shortest lived IBM release ever.  I supported a shop that was a Beta site (or whatever they called it) for SP4 and HPO4 because it brought "native" mode VM/VTAM.  SP4 didn't seem to be too bad, maybe just in comparison to HPO4.  HPO4 GA'd in about December of 1985 and was replaced with HPO4.2 in about March of 1986.  A good day would mean no more than one CP abend.  Barton Robinson, then IBM, lived with us for a few weeks.


Ivan Warren wrote:
Tom Duerbusch wrote:
Was there overlap?

I was on VM/370 Release 6 BSE.  I left that employer and when I went to another place, a few years later, I installed VM/SP 3.

So I want to say that it was:

VM/370 Release 1
VM/370 Release 2
VM/370 Release 3
VM/370 Release 4
VM/370 Release 5
VM/370 Release 6
VM/SP 5 along with VM/IS 5 and VM/XA Release 1
VM/SP 6 along with VM/IS 6
VM/ESA 370 mode

I remember BSE (Basic System Extensions), being an option.  I don't know if there were other options available or if the option really wasn't optional.

IIRC, SEPP & BSEPP were optional extensions to VM/370 R6. I think they 
added stuff like Fullscreen I/O and LDEVs.

Also HPO : 4 & 5 simultaneously with SP 4/5. (there might have been 
earlier HPOs, but I'm not sure only have worked with HPO 4 & 5).

And the case of the mysteriously disappearing HPO 6 that should have 
come along with SP 6.. Current (at that time) HPO 5 users received all 
the HPO 6 manuals only to be told that there would never be an HPO 6 !

We were then told something in the line that HPO 6 *DID* exist, but 
would never be publicly released (only the U.S. Govt would have access 
to it). They claim they did this to push VM/XA SP 2.1.. And that the 
manuals were erroneously shipped ! Which did cause some grief at the 
shop at was working at that time since VM/XA severly lacked 3270 BSC support

Note the list is also missing the VM/XA SF & VM/XA SP line of products 
;).. But yeah.. I think VM/XA SP1 was with SP 5 and VM/XA SP2 was with 
SP6 (with a supposedly common version of CMS.. CMS 6.5 ?)



Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(972) 596-6377 home/office
(972) 342-5823 cell

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