On Monday, 03/02/2009 at 02:04 EST, Dave Jones 
<d...@sys1.vsoft-software.com> wrote:
> the E080 return code signifies:
> A LAN connection could not be made, possibly for one of the
> following reasons:
> * The cable might not be present. 
> * The LAN might not be functioning. 
> * The port might have been disabled.
> Have you verified that the OSA card is enabled, and has a
> cable plugged into?

I have found a common problem of people not knowing which cable (port) 
belongs to which chpid.  When looking at the card (feature):

- The top port is chpid X
- The bottom port is chpid X+1

For the OSA-Express3 GbE each chpid has TWO ports.  The *chpid* numbers 
are still top-to-bottom, just as above.  However, the PORT number within 
the chpid is from "outside-in"!  That is, the top-most port on the card is 
port 0 of chpid X and the bottom-most port is port 0 of chpid X+1.  (See 
Physical description in appendix of OSA-Express Customer Guide and 

I had a customer who was insistent that the OSA or z/VM was broken.  They 
were embarassed when I asked them to look at the OSA card and describe 
what they saw.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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