You got me...  almost exactly one year ago I updated all my EXECs to become
   if Rc<>0 then do; 'SUBCOM XEDIT' ; Xedit=(rc=0); end
   else do; call csl 'DMSINXED RETC REAS T'; Xedit=(reas=0 & t=0) ; end
But, this SIGNAL SAMPEXEC didn't have filetype EXEC (nor XEDIT, nor
REXX), hence I missed it.

2009/3/16 Alan Altmark <>
> On Saturday, 03/14/2009 at 08:25 EDT, Kris Buelens
> <> wrote:
> > /*******************************************************************/
> > ERREXIT: /*  exit with retcode & errormsg                          */
> > /*******************************************************************/
> > address '' 'SUBCOM XEDIT'
> > xedit=(rc=0)
> > if xedit then address xedit 'COMMAND SET MSGM ON'
> > do i=2 to 'ARG'()
> > if xedit then address xedit 'COMMAND EMSG' 'ARG'(i)
> > else say 'ARG'(i)
> > end
> Hmmm...  I thought we had stamped out this programming idiom several years
> ago when we introduced DMSCALLR.  Most people expect the above snippet to
> diplay the error in XEDIT if you're in XEDIT when the error occurs.  All
> it really tells you is that XEDIT is active *somewhere* in the command
> sequence.
> To see for yourself, go into XEDIT, the into CMS subset mode, then issue a
> failing exec with the above code.  You won't see the messages until you
> Here's the Official Way to find out if your exec is running "in" XEDIT.
> That is to say, such that you will immediately see the output if you use
> /* EXEC runtime environments */
> /* Run the caller chain.  Skip level 0 and 1 because they */
> /* are always RXCSL and EXEC.  */
> do level = 2 by 1 until csl_rc <> 0
>  Call CSL "DMSCALLR csl_rc callee level"
>  callee = strip( left(callee, 8) )
>  If csl_rc = 0 & wordpos(callee, execenv)= 0 then
>    do
>      if callee = "XEDIT" then return 1
>                          else return 0
>    end
> end
> return 0
> I asked Chuckie if he cared to comment, and he opened one eye and stared
> at me.  (Creepy, I have to tell you - turns out he was asleep!)  Upon
> wakening, later, he provided this Unofficial Solution based on the
> undocumented DMSINXED found in various product execs.
>  call CSL "DMSINXED csl_rc csl_reason in_xedit"
>  if csl_rc = 0 & in_xedit = 0 then return 1
>  return 0
> Alan Altmark
> z/VM Development
> IBM Endicott

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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