Somewhere in the archives of this list or IBM-MAIN is an entry from a guy
State of Alaska. He packaged x3270 and c3270 for his clients and made tho
packages available. The x3270 package as distributed needs to run from
c:\x3270\ but that can be fixed in the batch files in the subdirectory. I

need to dig out my notes about this (they are at home and I am at work) b
if you are interested, I will find them. 
There is also a wc3270 from that may be installable o
n a
USB-drive. I will test that later this morning.

/Tom Kern

On Fri, 20 Mar 2009 12:49:59 +0000, Westlund, Mats (Mainframe servers)
<> wrote:

>Do anyone know if there is a TN3270 emulator for Windows that can be
installed and run from an USB-Stick
>without any updates on the PC windows registry or files stored at the PC

>Mats Westlund
>HP Sverige AB

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