Also take a look at the RACOUTP EXEC on the Y disk.  When you use the
RAC EXEC, RACF writes the output to RACF DATA, then calls RACOUTP EXEC
to display it.  If you look at the RACOUTP EXEC, you'll see that a
global variable is set of the filemode where RACF DATA is written.
There are also other global variables that you could set to suppress
the console output.  I'm not sure if you can override the output disk,
but you could modify this exec to copy the output file to a different

I have experimented with modifying this exec to use pipe browse
instead of just typing screens of output to the console.  I inserted
this code right before "SET CMSTYPE HT" before the "ESTATE RACF DATA"
FM in the exec (line 48 on my system):

'PIPE state RACF DATA' fm,
   '| spec w6 1',                 /* Number of lines in the output  */
   '| var filines'
If RC<>0 then                     /* The file doesn't exist         */
   Exit                           /* .. all done                    */
output='console'                  /* Default to console             */
/* Was RAC called from an exec or from the command line?            */
Call CSL 'DMSCALLR callrc callee 4' /* Check 4 levels back          */
'PIPE fullscrq',
   '| spec 21.2 c2d 1',           /* Number of lines on the screen  */
   '| var scrlines'
/* If RAC run from command line and large output, use pipe browse   */
If filines >= scrlines & callrc<>0 then

   '| strip trailing',
   '|' output
Exit RC

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 8:15 AM, Scott Rohling <> wrote:
> I apologize..  I could swear RAC did not create an output file - but I see
> now that it does.  Wonder how I missed that all this time?   Getting old
> sucks..   sorry for the misinfo   :-(
> Scott
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 5:59 AM, Rob van der Heij <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Scott Rohling <>
>> wrote:
>> > RAC LU user    will just display to the console..
>> You're incorrect. As Ronald says, It also (over)writes a file RACF
>> DATA on the A-disk. That was the point raised by the OP.
>> -Rob

Bruce Hayden
Linux on System z Advanced Technical Support
IBM, Endicott, NY

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