On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Jim Bohnsack <jab...@cornell.edu> wrote:
> We are working toward eliminating VM/VTAM.  One remaining application is for
> terminal access from VM to MVS.  We have a userid, SNA, on VM that users
> DIAL into.  They are presented with a MSG 10 screen giving the choices of
> destination.   We would like to be able to allow users to DIAL SNA and be
> "politely" told that there is another way to get terminal access to MVS.
> Does anyone have any ideas short of just sending all users an email telling
> them to use telnet instead of SNA?

You should be able to distinguish between the terminal groups on MVS
and use RACF auditing or system automation to identify the users? Does
TSO have something like a SYSPROF where you can pester the users? Or
you could hack the USS10 msgs for that VTAM...

We've done similar things when trying to migrate users from SNA
gateways to direct tn3270 connections. Using the operator logon
messages keep track of the users who could be advised about improved
ways of working. My proposal to have an extra info screen from the
SYSPROF (based on terminal type) was rejected because most of our
users could not read (or understand) such directions and instructions
had to be sent to the local coordinator instead.


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