On Wed, 17 Jun 2009 13:27:17 -0500, Tom Duerbusch <duerbus...@stlouiscity
.com> wrote:

>Thanks all.
>Interesting that everyone seems to suggest writing code to get around th
is problem.
>I would have thought that there would have been a DB2 method, which I di
dn't know about, that 
would, in the same LUW, with a locked DBSPACE, given me the same record s
election set for the 
delete, as was obtained for the insert.
>Between Repeatable Read and locking the DBSPACE, I thought I should have
 been given the same 
selection set within the same LUW.  
>Not a happy camper at this point <G>.
>Tom Duerbusch
>THD Consulting

I'm a programmer, not a DB2 expert. I think you may need to contact IBM t
o find one of them.  

You didn't explain how you know this is a single LUW.

Alan Ackerman
Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com 

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